GRCB website



Schick Creative; client photography

Boston-area nonprofit GRCB (formerly Girls Rock Campaign Boston) desperately needed to replace its old, barely functioning WordPress website. Schick Creative rewrote new content, consolidated pages, standardized the volunteer descriptions, and created a new design that showcased GRCB’s extensive collection of live event photos. Moving the website to Squarespace made it both accessible and easy to update.

Note: Schick Creative no longer maintains this website.

The Challenge

After a two-year hiatus during the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization asked Schick Creative to help it reintroduce itself to the community. The marketing and communications plan included recommendations for promotions, partnerships, fundraising, and more.

But one item towered over all the others: the website was text-heavy, lacked meaningful visuals, and was difficult to update. “We didn’t feel like it was really capturing the heart and soul of the organization,” said Nora Allen-Wiles, Executive Director of GRCB.

Moreover, the WordPress plugins were out of date, performance was suffering, and the site was crashing on a regular basis. “It felt like we were always sending people to a million different places instead of having a home for information,” Allen-Wiles recalled.

The Solution

Schick Creative built a new website using Squarespace, which offered a secure, auto-updating infrastructure and a no-code, drag-and-drop editor so GRCB’s staff could update the content on their own.

The new site also tapped into GRCB’s vast photo archive, what Allen-Wiles called “the best showcase of who we are and what we do.”

“We are proud to point people to our website now, which is a new thing.”​​



The Result

“We got a lot of great feedback about people feeling really moved by seeing the images and wanting to look at all the different pages and understand more about the organization than what they would normally do.”

The result was an attractive, engaging site that not only reflected the spirit of the organization, but was a vital, useful tool for communications, promotions, fundraising, and outreach.

“We are proud to point people to our website now, which is a new thing.”

GRCB website home page


GRCB website Programs page


GRCB website Youth Volunteers page

Youth Volunteers

GRCB website Youth Summer Sessions page

Youth Summer Sessions

GRCB website Contact page


Photo of Joe Schick

Joe Schick

Principal & Co-Founder

Joe has been a business development professional in the publishing and software industries since the early 2000s, holding positions at Pearson, Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Bibliotheca, and Plotagon, and has extensive experience with negotiating international content licensing deals. Along the way, he learned to write, pitch, present, and sell. Joe is a native of Pennsylvania and a graduate of Brandeis University. He’s a fan of historical thrillers, classical music, tasty food, and Oxford commas.